Saturday, September 16, 2006

hey hey hey hope everybody is doing well. I just got off work, what a long night. We are currently running a promotion called the never ending pasta bowl, known to servers as never ending bullshit. but anyway I got a 50 dollar tip and lost it somehow I am still not sure what happenned.
I am still trying to get over that. other than that the night wasnt too bad. Richard and I had a party of twelve celebrating a 52nd aniversary. The husband had a hat on that said " marriage is not a word its a sentence" I thought that was pretty funny. well I just wanted to get on and say hi I am looking forward to seeing more pictures of the new house. Grandma looks tiny in front of it. Well this beer isnt going to drink itself so I better go I love you both. Scott

Thursday, September 14, 2006

scott --


A real life terminator

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Imagine that

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hello to everybody in Blogger land I hope everything is well. I am sitting here enjoying my day off, that I had to fight for. Hannah and maybe Robert will be coming over to John's tonight to jam. I hope Robert makes it though i don't know how he will take it. Mom I was reading your story about Surely and I think that maybe this is the first squirel that she has noticed (being almost blind and all) in a long time, hence the excitement. anyway I just thought i would get on and say hi and let everybody know that i am alive. How do I post people as friends on here? Let me know.
Love ya, Scott

Monday, September 04, 2006

hello grandma and mom hope everything is going well. I saw the pictures very good mom. John currently has one of your sunsets as his wallpaper, he says "keep up the good work". Where are you heading next? Things are going okay here, work is very frustrating we are supposed to have 70 servers but we are down to less than fifty. I pretty sure I just pissed them off I changed my availibility, so after this week no more splits or crappy morning shifts. I miss you two I hope you all will be traveling somewhat close to this area so I can see you all. Well that is all for now I will be in touch

Thursday, August 24, 2006

This is my blog